Thursday, June 19, 2008

Romance is in the air, next chapter!

New adventures and dangerous perils await as a new chapter opens in the life of our hero, the Blue Hat Beru. In this next chapter, Beru wields his pen-dagger against the evil demon of No-Hope, Doubt-Me-Doubt-Me, and That's-Impossible! He staggers at the taunts and invisible jabs, yet valiantly Beru hacks back with a tenacity that speaks well of the Blue Hat way. I will not give up, his eyes say.

A dove flies in haste to deliver the letter that holds another letter. Pink rose petals scatter and spin in the air to the tune of a song* that was never played on the radio. The piano is played by someone who misses the right keys, yet the tune somehow rings true in the emptiness of night's air.

A smile...

...maybe Helen is not just a legend.

Love... It's a battlefield of emotions, where reason is no reason, and where logic can be your worst enemy.

*She's Divine (piano version)

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