Monday, September 8, 2008

I think too much

I think... That the guy you love is really really lucky. I would die for those sweet songs that you write... Well, maybe not really die literally. But... That would really be a big thing, to be loved by you.

And I think too much about you... So forgive me if I need some time to clear my head a bit. Not that you'll probably notice or care in the romantic sense.

Ahh, but I'm already so greatful for knowing you... And spending time with you. And, it's really fun... And it's really nice to be with you.

I think too much. I rant too much. I say "I" too many times that I find myself quite selfish.

So let's shift the perspective a bit...

Right now, what are you thinking about? Are you still awake? How are you feeling? You, you, you, you... There, that balances things abit.

Just another brainstorm article to have something to do while waiting for School Rumble episode 4 of Season 2 to finish. Maybe I can come up with a good song composition from these random rants. That's what lonely romance can be good for--writing songs.

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